Tell Us Your Craziest Story!

Have something weird happen to you that you want everyone to know?

Got drunk at 2am and belly flopped from your balcony onto an inflatable sex doll while yelling FREEDOM in your best William Wallace voice?

Or perhaps something else…Whatever it may be, tell us about it below!

*** By submitting this form you agree to terms and conditions of this site which includes the right for us to share your story publicly.

Recent TFM Stories of the Week


The Legend of Vinny Chase

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the More

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Seeing A Teacher At Your Party

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the More

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Untitled design (14)

Blacking Out On Parents Weekend

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the More

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the NFL Sunday beatdown (2)

The NFL Sunday Beatdown

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the More

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Puking In An Uber After a Spontaneous Concert

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the fucking ridiculousness and debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the More

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7 Hours Of Jungle Juice…

Submit your own Crazy Story here: At TFM, we love sharing the insane debauchery that our followers experience during their nights out. Unfortunately, not every crazy story can be communicated through a 20 second Instagram video. These are the stories that happen when you are too incapacitated, that is too crazy at the moment to More

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