
In the Name of Art? A Bunch of Piglets Left to Starve Reportedly Stolen

Art is weird.

Don’t get me wrong, I love music, movies, paintings, even some poetry, hell, I went to a museum a couple of weeks ago, but some things categorized as “art” I just do not understand.

For example, an art exhibit in Denmark where several pigs were enclosed in a cage and being starved gained media attention recently and for good reason. Since when is animal cruelty art?

Now I’m no hippie vegan, I eat enough steak to cancel some of them out, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

Marco Evaristti, the so-called artist, was apparently attempting to comment on the suffering casued by the mass production of meat.

In a heist that rivals the Oceans movies, Marco’s buddy turned into Danny Ocean and helped activists steal the pigs and not let them die of starvation.

The police confirmed the robbery, and Marco informed the museum that the exhibit would have to be cancelled.

While he argues his art is in support of animal rights, I would argue the ends do not justify the means on this one. Maybe paint a picture or make a documentry buddy.

H/T AP News