
Sports Fans and Second Teams

A hot topic across the internet recently, sparked by controversy around Dan “Big Cat” Katz, is the idea of having a second team you root for or straight up just switching sports allegiances. 

Now to me, this seems like a no-brainer, you fall in love with the teams that are popular in the area you grew up in. Another acceptable way to choose your teams is to root for the same teams as an important older person like your dad or brother. For example, if your dad was born in Dallas but you now live in Miami, I would say you would be allowed to be a Cowboys fan, but let’s be real here, who would choose that awful fate?

I had the good fortune of being born in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts which means I am a winner and root for some of the most successful and historic franchises across the four major American sports. 

Not everyone has that blessing, and for you who cannot sympathize with me I feel bad for you. It pretty much all comes down to luck of the draw.

Some people have “second teams” which I personally think is kind of silly. Sure, I have some other teams I like with players I want to see succeed. I went to San Diego on vacation and loved the city as well as the ballpark. Now, if they’re not playing the Sox, sure I’d like to see the Friars win. 

I wouldn’t consider any team, even if I like them, a second team however. You get one and that is it!

All this being said, you’re born into a fandom, or choose it early on. You can’t switch once you are fully bought in. Big Cat gets a pass though. It seems he was never really all the way bought into New England sports and once he moved into Chicago really embraced their teams as part of his identity. Also, I love his podcast and content so I’m biased.

Go Boston.