Total Frat Move

“Not Real” Girl Comes Clean About Incident, Claims Her Life Has Affected

Tiffany Gomas, the newly discovered marketing executive who gained her fame for her explosive outburst on an American Airlines flight, has spoken out about how the incident dramatically affected her life.

Speaking from her Dallas home worth $1.6 million, Gomas stated that nobody truly comprehends another person’s circumstances and experiences. She also mentioned her decision to consult a lawyer in response to the incident. In the video that made her famous, Gomas can be seen angrily confronting flight staff, declaring her intention to leave the plane due to someone she refers to as “not real.” This led to a delay in the flight, frustrated fellow passengers, and a very viral video.

Gomas, a marketing executive in Texas, has been with Uppercut Marketing, LLC since 2016. In 2017, she was recognized as a “rising star” by a marketing trade publication and held the position of vice president of Elevate Brand Marketing.

While the internet went bonkers over the guy who may or may not “be real”, I fell in love with Tiffany Gomas. There are a few things I love, one of those being delusional women. Tiffany and I would do great together as a couple. Everyone knows the gambling deadbeat man and the delusional marketing girl go together like milk and honey.