Gutters are an extremely important part of any home, as they are responsible for the proper drainage of water from the surface of the roof, keeping our home free from lingering moisture and many other hazards. However, like any other exterior component, gutters age over time and lose their functionality, in such situations you should definitely opt for gutter repair. 

There are many companies on the market that offer help with gutter repair, while, in every case, is it necessary to use the services of professionals? Of course not, most of the smaller problems with gutters can be solved by ourselves, which we will prove in today's article. Therefore, if you are interested in this topic be sure to stay with us!

Clean your gutters

Let's start with the easiest issues that are related to gutter repair. Namely, as gutters collect water that runs off the roof, debris that flows along with the aforementioned water also enters them. The vast majority of these are leaves, needles falling from trees or smaller branches. Unfortunately, such items are too light or too large to flow down the gutter on their own, along with the water. Therefore, the cleanliness of gutters should be checked regularly to prevent unwanted debris from accumulating inside them. 

Gutter repair related to the removal of debris lingering in the gutters definitely does not require specialized knowledge or equipment. To be able to clean the gutters on your own, it is enough to have a high ladder that will allow us to get to the height of the gutters, and the debris itself, such as leaves, can even be removed by hand. However, when deciding to do such gutter repair on your own, it is essential to keep safety in mind, that is, proper protection and belaying, in case you lose your balance standing on the ladder. 

Fix leaks 

The next gutter repair that we can undoubtedly do ourselves is to improve their tightness. Each gutter is made up of a number of parts that are connected to each other by so-called seams, which must be properly sealed so that water does not leak through them. However, these seals get old over time and start leaking, so if we only notice such a problem with our gutters we should act as soon as possible. 

This gutter repair is also not difficult, as the only thing we need when deciding on such an undertaking is a special sealant, which we can purchase online or in any construction store. On the other hand, before applying it to the seams, it is essential to remove the old, already worn sealant that no longer serves its purpose. In this case, safety is also paramount, so when repairing leaking gutters, it is advisable to ask for help from another person who will assist us. 

Replace gutter hangers

The last gutter repair, which, in our opinion, can be done yourself, is to replace gutter hangers. Each gutter is a kind of termination of the roof, so it is mounted on special hangers that keep it at its height. However, just as in the case of sealing, these hangers, under the weight of water and other external factors, wear out and lose their functionality, so they need to be replaced occasionally. 

This gutter repair is also not very demanding, as you just need to get new hangers with which to replace the old ones already worn out. On the other hand, when installing new ones, it is essential to choose hangers that will fit our gutters, and they should be screwed on firmly to hold the gutters in place well. 

Replace gutter hangers is by far the most demanding gutter repair we have described today, so if you are not sure about your skills and do not have specialized equipment it is worth considering the help of gutter repair Evanston services, as such professionals will do it for you cheaply, quickly and, above all, reliably. 


In conclusion, DIY gutter repair is a good solution for tinkerers who like to do various things around the house on their own. In addition, smaller gutter problems are not really demanding and it is definitely worth at least trying to solve them yourself. Therefore, we hope that our article has helped and inspired you to try your hand at DIY gutter repair.