Friday, January 17, 2048, Berlin, metro, Breakpoint headquarters. Wandering through the tunnels, you will reach the closed mesh gates. Go through the open doors on the left side, and then again through the doors on the left. Now go down the mesh bridge to get into a fairly spacious hall. The center of the room is fenced and you can go around the fence to get around it. In some places, you will be able to get inside it a little and, passing through such a fenced corridor, get to a place with switches.

There are two such points and in each of them there is a switch A and a switch B. Each of them rotates a bridge with a trolley located in the center of the hall. Switch A rotates it counterclockwise, and switch B rotates it clockwise. Switches to the left of the fence rotate the bridge by 90 degrees, and to the right by 120 (this information appears at each point in the form of a drawn circle with corners). In addition, each move leads to the closing or opening of some entrances. On the console located next to the switches, you can see that the bridge must be positioned in such a way that the yellow arrow on the edge of the terrain coincides with the yellow arrow on the bridge (they will then turn green). By doing this, you will be able to cross the bridge and get to the cart located on it.

While inside, take a look at the box with the main switch (to the left of the open doors). Press the corresponding button in the box and leave the building through the same exit (you can see the car standing on the tracks). Cross the tracks, turn left and enter the next building, this time made of brown brick. You can find another wagon inside, but before using it to destroy the gate, go to the switch used to change the course of the tracks. Install it by activating the switch once — this way the car standing on the side track will be able to slide off it.

Go to the van and repair its pantograph (under it, next to the wheels). Enter the platform where Lydia is standing; go back and to the front of the train. Open the doors of the train and enter it. Go to the control panel (on the left side) and start the train. Drive it backwards (by pressing the S button) until it stops. Get off the train and go to the control panel located inside the building in front of you. Use the terminal to change the track (you need to press the switch once) back to the previous settings. Return to the train (through the rails and the narrow platform between the cars), start it and drive all the way forward (by pressing the W button).

After the crash, follow the left side of the derailed van until you find Lydia lying on the ground. Bring her back to consciousness. Now go with her through the emergency exit on the right side. Such a sign should be visible on the console as soon as Richard activates the A switch. Go to the left of the stairs; enter the first side corridor on the right side (with a purple glow — from the purple lanterns located inside). Go to the end of the corridor and press the A switch once. best gay massage nearby