Types of genuine leather
Choosing a new genuine leather bag, we want to get a high-quality, practical accessory that will delight us for a long time with its attractive appearance. I would like to note that many of us do not know at all that the concept of genuine leather is very broad. Genuine leather is a natural, animal material that is widely used in industry. Genuine leather has several types of processing, and we will consider them today.Types of mechanical processing of natural leather - smooth leather is the highest quality material that is obtained from young cattle: calves, goats, sheep. This leather is very durable and wear-resistant, it is used for the manufacture of furniture and shoes.Polished leather - leather that has undergone mechanical processing - grinding. As a rule, it is polished only on the side on which there are pores, while the other side remains smooth. Clothes, shoes and leather accessories are made from such leather.Embossed leather is obtained in the process of exposure to the front side of the mold. With the help of this technology, an imitation of a reptile is obtained, leather bags are produced exactly like this.Suede is a noble material that can be washed in warm water. It is distinguished by its unique structure, low and thick pile. There is nothing more elegant than suede bags.Velour is a leather that has either the front or the wrong side treated, in comparison with suede, velour is thinner, it cannot be treated with soap solution, and it has extremely low strength.Nubuck is a leather with a fine-textured structure, very often confused with suede, but nubuck is a little more expensive. The advantages of nubuck are that it is durable and "breathes".Split - natural leather, which is obtained as a result of cutting a thick layer of skin.Husky is a very soft leather, which is ideal for making gloves.Patent leather is genuine leather, with a synthetic coating that creates a thin film on the surface, high-quality varnish does not crack in the cold and does not scratch. Such a material is very popular in the sewing of lacquer bags.Aniline leather is natural leather that is practically not processed, that is, the material has all the media and scars, such skin is very sensitive and has traces of antique aging. Aniline leather is the most expensive leather on the Russian market.Morocco leather is a popular leather for the manufacture of leather accessories, it is obtained by vegetable tanning.As you can see, the concept of genuine leather is very different, and it's hard to immediately determine which one your thing is sewn from. Каннабис постепенно распространился на африканцев, говорящих на банту, они могли семена конопляные купить во внутренних районах и использовать в долине реки Замбези к тому времени, когда в 1531 году прибыли португальцы.