
Alabama Ruined The Fun, Recalled This Epic Plate

So who know that the state of Alabama, of all places, was clutching its pearls so tightly…

Apparently, you cannot drive around the Yellowhammer state with a ‘LGBFJB’ license plate because someone in the state capital has determined that such a license plate has “objectionable language.”

That’s the decision handed down by the state to Nathan Kirk, the man who is proudly displaying the plate on his Ford F-150. Kirk, who owns the Blount County Tactical gun store in Oneonta, Alabama, told that he’s ready to fight the state via a First Amendment case.

“The Alabama Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Division, has determined the above-referenced license plate contains objectionable language which is considered by the Department to be offensive to the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama,” the letter reads.

Kirk argues that it’s just letters and open to interpretation.

“My point is, it’s letters,” Kirk explained to “It could be my kid’s initials. It could be my grandmother or grandfather. It’s just letters. It doesn’t spell anything.”

Kirk told the Trussville Tribune that he bought the Ford truck in October and decided to go the personalized plate route. The plate finally arrived in January, due to what Kirk says was an aluminum shortage to make the plate, and he threw his prized possession on the truck.

By February, the state was coming after Kirk for the plate.

“It’s been on the road for a month, and it was approved a long time ago; it was approved immediately when I bought it,” Kirk told the newspaper. “They didn’t have any issue, taking the six or $700 it cost from me.”

The state says Kirk has 10 days to return the plate or the truck’s registration will be revoked and he’ll be issue a $500 fine. Ultimately, the truck could be impounded because someone at the state level is offended by six letters on a piece of aluminum.

As has been the case across the country in other license plate showdowns, the key to winning battles against states is to create as big of a scene as possible which then makes the government vultures go away.

Take the case of the Idaho man behind the ‘OJDIDIT’ license plate that was attached to his white Ford Bronco. I went to high school with that guy. The key to getting the state to back off was a full-on offensive across Boise media, including radio appearances.

Of course Kirk is going to fight this and it’s going to galvanize his customers against the state and the government machine. He’s going to sell more guns, ammo and his business is going to gain national attention from this fight with the state.

Needless to say, the bureaucrat responsible for deciding Kirk’s plate was objectionable likely had zero idea this guy already had an audience and now is going to have an even bigger platform to point out the absurdity of government. Missed calculation, government official.

Kirk is one national media appearance away from the state of Alabama forgetting they even sent this guy a letter.