Welcome back to MILF & DILF of the week.
- Milf – Emily Ratakowski, 30
She is not only the ultimate MILF, she’s the ultimate human. It feels like cheating to pick her, because she’s a freak of nature.
I used to HATE her. I felt like she was so hot and in an annoying way. I used to think that she just flaunted her body to get a career and be in movies…. but i was being a jealous bitch.
The reality is, everyone does that. It bothers me more with her, because she’s that fucking hot. I don’t even think she has any work done. She’s just this hot.
My opinion on Emrata changed when I listened to some interviews she did about her new book. She has been through some major shit. She’s been sexually assaulted by photographers, and more famously, Robin Thicke. Some loser, creepy photographer has been making a living off of naked pictures of her he took at a test shoot when she was underaged. She is making no money off of these photos he sells.
She’s smart af too. Like she wrote a BOOK. She has massive tits and abs???? Also, her baby daddy is super hot.
She knows how to take amazing pictures, especially with her baby.
I feel bad for Emrata after listening to her talk. Everyone sees her just as her looks. Men have treated her poorly like a piece of meat. Women have been judgmental (guilty). Yet, she continues to stunt on us bitches. I will say, I do hate when boys I’m dating follow her. How can I compete with this bikini pic????
2. DILF – Jeremy Meeks, 37
Maybe the first time face tats worked on someone.
Jeremy Meeks was a member of the Crips when he was arrested and sentenced to two years at age 18 years-old. This is his mug shoot below.
His mugshoot went viral, for obvious reasons, when the police posted it on facebook during a gang sweep. As soon as he got out of jail, he started modeling.