The race for Texas Railroad Commission just got a fvcking lot more interesting, thanks to one of the wildest campaign videos in election history. GOP lawyer Sarah Stogner, 37, is the genius behind the video featuring her nearly naked and riding an oil pump while wearing cowboy boots and a hat like it’s a bull.
“They said I needed money. I have other assets,” Stogner, a mother of one, tweeted Super Bowl Sunday as she unleashed her campaign video on the Internet.
“How am I supposed to get my platform in front of people without cash money?” Stogner asked a Twitter user who questioned her methods to gain attention.
Labeled “the Lady Godiva of the oilfield” by Texas radio host Ed Morrissey, Stogner has leveraged her nearly naked video attention to gain traction with Texas media outlets. In other words, the nearly naked video worked like a charm.
In an interview with Odessa Headlines, Stogner says she was born in Alabama, was raised in South Florida and California as her father worked as an aerospace engineer. She received her undergrad degree in international trade and finance before heading off to LSU for law school. From there, she went to work in Midland, Texas as an oil and gas lawyer.
Why should people consider her for the Railroad Commission?
“Because I don’t want to win, but I am the best candidate, and I am not afraid to do what needs to be done. If we as a state don’t do something know, the feds are going to come in and we’re going to lose governing Texas, and Texans need to be the ones governing Texas. We need educated people who are from this industry governing it, not career politicians,” she told the Odessa news outlet.
As for the nearly naked campaign video?
“I knew it would be controversial,” she told the Houston Chronicle. “I didn’t realize it would incite the rage and anger that it did from the press.”
Stogner has been ridiculed by fellow GOP members over the video and the San Antonio Express-News ran an editorial yanking its endorsement over the video.
“We were disappointed to see a disgraceful TikTok video posted Sunday from Sarah Stogner, whom we recently recommended in the Republican primary for railroad commissioner,” the Express-News editorial board wrote.
“We rescind our recommendation.”
Stogner told Reform Austin that she doesn’t have regrets over the video and notes that the backlash seems extreme.
“It feels very much like slut-shaming,” Stogner added. “We were just goofing off. We had the footage from last year and I said, ‘I’m going to make my own Super Bowl commercial.’ If I had gone off and shot machine guns and screamed about the border, they wouldn’t have had a problem with it.”