Ah, the Pro Bowl. The most important NFL-sanctioned event that everyone loves and watches. Jokes aside, the Pro Bowl is probably the worst and least entertaining of the major sports all-star games/weekends.
I get it though, injuries are common and devastating in the NFL, and playing an exhibition game is difficult because no one is playing hard for risk of injury. The rules are kind of two-hand touch, but not really so it’s super confusing.
The NFL is considering doing away with the actual game and instead implementing more skills and drills showcases. A flag football game is also a possibility, which would also be an improvement because the rules are more structured and when a player is down is less arbitrary.
The Pro Bowl that happened during the pandemic could be an indicator of change to come. Madden will absolutely be a factor in whatever changes take place I’m calling that right now.
The NBA and MLB all star events have iconic skills challenges like the Slam Dunk contest and the Home Run derby. The NFL doesn’t really have the same pull, but it seems like they’re going in the right direction. I’m excited to see what they come up with, honestly anything would be an improvement.