Last weekend a Royale Rumble broke out in the stands at the New Jersey Speedway.
According to people at the race, there was this one couple who kept walking around the stands and getting physical with fans, touching them, and just being overall assholes (Black shirt Chick and Yellow shirt Douche). While I understand getting bored watching cars go around the same track hundreds of times, you can’t just attack people because you’re annoyed you actually spent money to go to this event.
The women of the couple made a move at another girl, and their significant others did not like that very much so they hopped in too. That altercation was quickly broken up, but the story continues…
Yellow shirt decided to go full Worldstar and tried to film the fight, someone didn’t like that and smacked the phone out of his hand which led to a screaming match.
Security came and escorted the troublesome couple away, but they did not go quietly. Just like Will Ferrell’s criminally underrated masterpiece, they were Kicking and Screaming all the way home, protesting their removal from the venue with the people in charge.
There is no information about any arrests being made, but I wouldn’t really be surprised either way.
Just another reason you will most likely not be catching me at any motorsport events, especially in the US, and especially especially in Jersey. No offense to colleagues who go to Rutgers.
All jokes aside watching cars drift around sounds kinda sick.