Over the past week, I have been on a non-stop bender in Nashville.
The kind of bender that makes you question if you’re an actual alcoholic or not.
Anytime I take part in this kind of degenerate way of drinking, I know there’s an inevitable come down. A comedown that is hyper infused with both anxiety and overthinking.
Typically my blogs are humorous but this is real and this is where I’m at. Hungover, anxiety ridden, and just all around not feeling like myself. I’m not used to this type of vulnerability but I feel like it’s important to keep things real on the internet. Especially when so much of it IS fake.
I would like to continue being real with you all and be completely honest. This is a product post, but here’s the thing: I would not get so intimate about my emotions if I wasn’t being 100% transparent and truthful.
That’s the difference between me and some “verified influencer” who will try to shove a product down your throat so that they can get an extra $200 in their pocket. I’m real and I’m really not getting paid.
Just the average person, much like you, who has to deal with real world issues. Sometimes people like us go through shit in life that is raw and difficult and feels like it could be the end of the world, but I promise you when I say this, I finally found something that makes it easier to cope with these emotions.
As I was coming down from my bender I thought I had two options, keep drinking or wallow in self pity. And quite frankly, I didn’t like either one of those.
Then I remembered, I had a stash of Bra Bearies in my bag. I ate two of these strawberry flavored CBD gummies and I swear to you my anxiety reduced and my intrusive thoughts cooled down. It simply put me at ease.

Not only did this product save me from myself in such an intimate way, it is also saving the lives of cancer patients. Sunday Scaries donates $2 from every purchase of Bra Bearies to The Pink Agenda to support breast cancer research.
So, if you ever find yourself in moments of complete and utter self loathe and you feel like there’s nothing that can ease your mind, I strongly recommend you use…