
Chad Johnson, Super Generous Or Shooting His Shot?

Chad Johnson is a former NFL player. Chad Johnson is a current single man.

So, when Chad Johnson goes and drops a $1,000 tip to a smoke waitress, there is a part of me that knows thinks there may be more to his … spirit of giving…

The story is that OchoCinco was having a casual afternoon at Bar Louis in Tampa (FL) where he put up a bill just over $100 and chose to leave a tip of $1,000.

All good. I mean, he made almost $50 MILLION during his NFL career and has had many side gigs since then, so… $1,000 is not that much to this man.


Now, let’s look at this bartender:

I don’t see a ring on that finger!

That is Kayla Ashby, the clearly above average looking waitress. She doesn’t have a ring — though she may be dating someone, who knows. She does have a kid — so she is sex-positive.

According to TMZ, he left the note, “Merry X-mas early. You can catch the Black Friday sales.”

Johnson has eight kids, so he is sex-positive, too!

All good with his decision either way. Being generous or wanting to hit… What do you think?