
Chinese Government Vanishes Tennis Champion After Sexual Assault Claim Against Politician

Communism kills. That is a fact that we won’t debate. It is based on compliance, silence, and unquestioned loyalty to the government. No place on earth is it worse than modern-day China (it was worse for many under Liberal hero Che Guevara, but that is another post for another day — on another website).

The latest example is that of Peng Shuai.


Peng became a Chinese celebrity after winning the French Open doubles title in 2014, well she recently accused Zhang Gaoli of forcing her to have sex with him. The claim was made on Weibo — the Chinese Facebook — earlier this month.

She has not been seen nor heard from since.

Her post was removed almost immediately and all of her recent posts were also removed from the site. All media in China is, of course, heavily censored by the government … because that is what communists do.

Even the word tennis, ‘wangqiu,’ was censored on the platform, an article in The Daily Mail states.

Peng said that she and Zhang — who is married — had been involved in an semi-consensual affair dating back to 2011 and despite that near decade of time together, she has ‘no evidence’ that it happened because Zhang insisted on keeping it a total secret.

She said that after the affair ended, he sexually assaulted her in 2018.

A spokesman for Beijing’s foreign ministry refused to address the subject during a press conference earlier this month, saying: ‘I have not heard of it and it is not a diplomatic question.’

Do not question the communist leaders, or be vanished.

Comments on Peng’s posts are still disabled, and writing about either her or Zhang on Weibo causes an error message to be displayed. The DailyMail reports that users are given a message that says their post violates “relevant laws and regulations.”