
Dave Chappelle Tells Haters To Donate Or ‘Shut The Fvck Up Forever’

Dave Chappelle was informed the other day that his former high school was going to name the theatre on campus after him. Needless to say, milliseconds later, all of the Chapelle haters came out with their pitchforks.

Chappelle has been on the offensive attack since a bunch of folks who clearly didn’t watch his Netflix special accused him of LGBTQ+ hate speech. First we jumped in to defend him from the self-righteous horde, then he said he would meet with members of the community, but only if they met some criteria … which is where the scent vanished.

Now, he goes right to social media with his statement, which amounted to shut the fvck up.

“Talk is cheap (unless I do it),” he started on IG, before he explained that while “having the theater named after me is a great honor,” it wasn’t his idea.

Chappelle explained that the naming opportunity was at the request of the school’s founder, Peggy Cooper Cafritz, and added he intends to “honor that request” in April.

But then, Chappelle comes off the top rope, smoking everyone that wants to talk loud but are silenced quickly.  

“If you object to my receiving this honor, I urge you to donate to the school, noting your objection. If you are in favor of the theater being named ‘Chappelle,’ I urge you to donate to the school, noting your approval.” he wrote.

“If by April, those against the Chappelle theater exceed the donations of those who are neutral or in favor of the theater named Chappelle, I will gladly step aside. If not, I will happily attend the naming ceremony. And if you don’t care enough to donate… please, shut the fuck up, forever,” Chappelle wrote before signing the comment, “Dave.”

There are a lot of other great comments from the comedian over on Yahoo! — imagine that — and if you want to check them out, you can.

As for me, I’m good with this.

Dave lays down the ‘put up, or shut up’ … now it is up to them.