
Disney Censors ‘The Simpsons’ Episode That Mocked Censorship

It really is a great irony that an episode of The Simpsons that takes multiple shots at the great lengths that the Chinese regime goes to keep the truth from its citizens is now being taken down in an effort to appease the Chinese regime that goes great lengths to keep the truth from its citizens.

Yes, you read that right. On Disney+ (in Hong Kong), The Simpsons’ 16th season now jumps right from episode 11 to episode 13.

Episode 12, which originally aired back in 2005, told the tale of Homer taking the family to China to visit Tiananmen Square. In the episode, a placard reads, “On this site, in 1989, nothing happened.”

To the tape:

The Hollywood Reporter added context, saying, “the episode also follows the Simpson family as they visit the mummified remains of ex-leader Mao Zedong and come across a row of tanks in Beijing, referencing the iconic ‘tank man’ photo taken during the 1989 student uprising.”

Later in the episode, Homer describes Mao Zedong as “a little angel that killed 50 million people,” — a line written clearly to mock Chinese propaganda.

The Blaze is also claiming that Disney’s censorship marks the first time a major American media company has suppressed anti-CCP content in Hong Kong.

It really is a perfect story. Be sure to share it with any of your friends in China. Oh, wait, nevermind, their internet is being limited.