That is the best headline in some time on Total Frat Move. Bar none.
The story goes that this lady was pretty seriously intoxicated… so much so that Southwest would not let her get on her flight home to New York. How did she handle that news? She rode away on a motorized suitcase that went WAY faster than I had anticipated.
To the fvcking tape:
I have a handful of questions, but mainly: where do I get one of those?
Officer Andrew Mamone deserves some credit for remaining as calm as he did through this entire thing. At least one point during this chase, I would have lost my shit.
I can tell you exactly what point… when she shit in my car.
While sitting in the back of the patrol car, the woman ripped apart the police vehicle’s fabric headliner and took a shit on the seat, causing an estimated $1,200 in damage, according to an arrest report.
She was later released from the Orange County jail on a $13,500 bond, records show.
Chelsea Alston, 32, faces up to five years in prison for each offense according to one report.