
Man Disguised as Lady Tries to Vandalize the Mona Lisa… With Cake?

“Mona Lisa” is probably the most famous piece of art in the entire world, so, unsurprisingly, there are some pretty good security measures set in place to make sure it cannot be stolen or ruined, especially after it was damaged by sulfuric acid in the 1950s. There’s a whole ass layer of bullet proof glass protecting it… and who knows what else. It would be stupid to try and vandalize it, then, wouldn’t it?

Yes, yes it would. But that didn’t stop one man over the weekend. He dressed himself as a woman, wearing a wig and lipstick, and put himself in a wheelchair to fly under the radar. What a disguise! He rolled himself right up to Da Vinci’s masterpiece and threw cake at it. Yes. Cake.
Translation: Man in wig and wheelchair throws cake at Mona Lisa. Reasons are unknown, but it is one of the most ridiculous things to happen this weekend.

Though, the reasons were initially unknown, this mad man’s motives have since been revealed. They’re just as ridiculous as his disguise.

“Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Artists tell you, think of the Earth. That’s why I did this,” said the man. He was quickly taken into custody and put into psychiatric care, reports say, and employees of the Lourve cleaned up the smeared glass with ease. My guess is that they only needed some Clorox wipes and a few paper towels. Quite the message you sent there, buddy.