
Man Gets Haircut on Bridge?

A bridge that has recently open on Los Angeles’ 6th Street has turned into a chaotic internet hotspot, with several videos taken at the location going viral.

On Monday there was a, illegal street takeover of the bridge, which is when a huge group of people blocks off a specific area to outside traffic and uses it for stuff like racing and drifting. Other incidents at the bridge include cars drifting and doing donuts, people climbing the bridge, and major car crashes.

On Wednesday evening a video was taken of a man in the middle of the street on the bridge sitting in a chair, and another guy giving him a haircut. Unreal scenes in LA. The LA Police Department had no information on the incident, and it doesn’t seem like anything bad happened, except maybe the haircut.

Honestly I kind of respect the hustle. Dude had a whole setup out there, a chair, cape thing and some haircutting tools and products. Pretty funny “prank”, but some of the shit that’s going down on that bridge is scary and dangerous. Stay safe and stay getting fresh haircuts.