
Mark Munoz Goes Full Durden Running a Fight Club… for High Schoolers?

I know, I know, I broke the first rule in this blog’s title. Sorry, Tyler. Unlike Tyler’s club though, this was only one “fight”, if you would even call it that.

Mark Munoz is a former UFC fighter (2009-2015) turned high school wrestling coach. He took the job at Fairmont Private School in Anaheim California roughly two years ago, and things seemed to be going great until recently.

According to TMZ, Mark was approached by two students who were having an argument and asked if they could put on some boxing gloves to settle their dispute that way. They allegedly did not inform Munoz of the reason they wanted to box, and the article by TMZ described the fight as, “more jovial than violent”.

Boys will be boys, and no one got hurt. I mean, the “fight” was supervised by a professional. Probably not a great idea for Munoz to let the kids go at it, but no harm no foul right? Wrong.

Of course, a parent threw a hissy fit and went to the school’s administration. The school didn’t really reveal anything going on behind the scenes, but Munoz was placed on administrative leave and will not be returning to the school next year.

The school up until this point had been very happy to have Munoz. It was great for them to have such a big name in fighting as a coach for their program, and it seems Munoz was enjoying the job as well. Mark was 14-6-0 in the UFC, hopefully, he’ll bounce back after this unfortunate incident as well.