
Mitch Marner Carjacked in Toronto

Monday evening Toronto Maple Leaves star winger Mitch Marner was held up by multiple people with guns in his own city, as confirmed by the team’s PR group.

The three carjackers, two armed with guns and one with a knife, approached his Range Rover and forced him and another passenger to exit before driving off at around 7:45 PM Monday. Thankfully no one was harmed and the police are currently investigating.

There have been a huge amount of carjackings this year in Toronto, 60 so far in 2022. That number is already greater than the total number last year.

There have also been 20 arrests involving those 60 carjackings, most cases involving higher-end vehicles, like Marner’s Range Rover, according to Toronto Police Inspector Rich Harris. Harris also advises if someone is trying to steal your car, comply, as your safety is worth more than the car.

Cars have been recovered across the city, with others being sold internationally. While the police have had success on some cases, there are a lot of cases still open, and this wave of car thefts isn’t showing signs of slowing down.

I think it’s crazy that this stuff is happening to athletes. I always thought of my city’s athletes as almost untouchable, especially the stars. Maybe if y’all won game 7 they wouldn’t have taken his car. Jokes aside, stay safe Toronto.