
Netflix Releases Horror Short Written Entirely By A Bot And It Is Amazing

Netflix, you beautiful bastard, you. The streaming giant let bots write a short horror script, animated it, and released it to the world. It is 4:30 seconds of pure perfection that you need to watch as your liver slows it shakes from the Halloween weekend.

Seriously, here:

Goodness gracious, I love you, Netflix.

The animated feature is called Mr. Puzzles Wants You to Be Less Alive, and it is clearly inspired by Saw and the tricycle riding character, Jigsaw. It also has references to I Know What You Did Last Summer, Friday the 13th, and Halloween.

In the movie, Mr Puzzles — a devil-masked villain in a suit and tie — has trapped Jennifer in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse and then subjects her to a number of different puzzles.

Truly, it is a pretty classic storyline… but the unexpected comedy from bot writing is gold.

Anyways, adding more content for SEO, it doesn’t take long for Jennifer to figure out how to defeat Mr Puzzles and, by the end of the short, you will certainly have laughed much more than you would have expected before seeing this post.

In a description of how this all came together, Netflix explained, “We worked with Keaton Patti to make a bot watch over 400,000 hours of horror movies and then write its own horror movie. This is what it came up with.”

Patti, if you never heard, is no stranger to bot-written stories, as fans can see here — though this may be the best of them.

Anyways, thanks for reading this long. Here is a list of what is coming to, and leaving, Netflix in November. Clicking that would make my boss happy. Thanks.