I get paid a little bit of money to find weird things on the internet and this is one of the weirder: Hidden Valley Ranch and a professional diamond maker have been working together to create a, yes, its right there in the sentence… a diamond made of Hidden Valley Ranch.
How? Well, I am glad you asked:
They used a custom lab to heat the flavored powder to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, where it was then crushed with 400 tons of pressure to create said diamond.
According to the press release, the entire process took right at five months to complete and resulted in one very …. interesting gemstone.
Once the stone was cut, it was set in a 14-karat gold band with an inscription that says “HVR LVR.”
Best guess on that is Hidden Valley Ranch Lover. But, who knows… I have seen some pretty solid license plate memes.
Naturally, this unnatural diamond ring is for sale.
If you visit theranchdiamond.com— which will redirects you to an eBay listing, adjust preferences as needed — you are able to bid on the ring.
Heck, I’ll make it easier, click on this image!

Best of luck and may all of your Ranch dreams come true.