I don’t care what your situation is, Valentine’s day is a pain in the ass year after year. The endless obligatory social media posts from every couple ever are beyond brutal. The only positive is that seeing butt-ugly guys with girls way out of their league will always give you some hope.
If you are dating, you’re expected to plan out some extravagant date and shell out half your already depleted bank account. If you are not in a relationship, you spend the day feeling like you’re missing out on something. There are a few brave individuals who take their talents to the bars to hopefully find a lady looking for love. After my experiences last night, these are the people I feel the worst for.

I don’t know about you guys but my college bars were empty last night. If you were looking for love in Gainesville, Florida, you needed to bring out a fucking microscope. For those of us who just wanted to rage last night, that wasn’t even possible. The staff outnumbered the people drinking in every bar I walked into.
So my night pretty much consisted of me and the lads sitting at the bar binge drinking and betting on the Warriors-Clippers game. Honestly, looking back at it, while it might not have been what I was looking for, last night was a pretty chill time with the boys. I think I experienced what girls would call Galentine’s day, and I’m all here for it. While it sounds dumb as fuck, I can’t lie spending time with the lads might be the best way to get through this treacherous holiday.