
Who Is Watching Kim’s Kids While She Is Out Non-Stop With Pete Davidson?

I have gotten over the crest of the hill caring about who/why people are dating Pete Davidson. I am telling myself that it is simply to troll the world. It can not be real. I have now shifted to the logistics of it.

In this case: who is watching Kim Kardashian’s kids while she goes from coast to coast every day with the sick boy?

TMZ is following them day and night. Literally. They had pictures of the two of them in NYC on Monday. They now have pictures of them in Cali on Tuesday — at like 7:30 am Pacific time. How the fvck does that happen?

Kim has FOUR kids with Kanye.

North, Psalm, Chicago, and Saint are not in any of these pictures… ever.

They also have to be cramping a dating scene. But, still, where are they? Who is watching them? Is there some team of nanny’s assigned to them while Kim is out getting her rebound stuffing?

Who knows… but I am curious.

Also, apparently, she is ready to introduce the kids to Pete. Why?

“Things are moving very quickly. Kim flew to New York just a few days before Christmas to give Pete his present and spend time together, next they are heading to LA together to attend her mom Kris Jenner’s famous holiday party where Pete will meet her kids,” RadarOnline said. “This is a huge indication of how serious things are. Every mom knows that you don’t just introduce your kids to a casual date.”

Oh man… if that happens… Kanye may melt down.

Radar asked that question too, and got a great answer.

“So far everyone in the family that has met Pete really likes him, however introducing him to her kids is other level,” its source said. “The biggest concern is how is Kanye [West] going to react? Kim is walking on egg-shells around her ex. At any minute he could fly off the handle again, especially if his kids like Pete and start talking about him too.”

… so…. if you remember… there was a rumor that Pete was only fvcking Kim to get back at Kanye (read about that shit, it’ll open a new window) and if he goes long con and meets the kids, Kanye may break his face.

Okay… I have moved on from who is watching the kids to “Will Kanye break Pete Davidson’s face” … this is the opening boxing match I want for the next Jake Paul fight.

Written by Malcolm Henry


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  1. How toned deaf is this? I honestly had to pause after reading this to see if it was supposed to be satire. Where are her “FOUR kids” while she is taking some time for herself? Well maybe just maybe they are with their FATHER! When was the last time they spent time with him? Oh oh oh I see tho, you want to insinuate that because Kim is enjoying herself dating and spending some time on herself that she is a bad mom. What a joke of a journalist. Hope you’re prepared for any reputable/respected company to view this.

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