
Meet Carli, UCF Smoke Show

Meet our newest TFM Girl – Carli! Carli is a recent UCF graduate and an absolute smoke show who belongs on the cover of Vogue magazine. Let’s take a look at some of Carli’s best photos:

Anyone else getting Catwoman vibes? This might be a hot take, but I think Carli could rival the likes of Anne Hathaway and Zoë Kravitz. If I ran into this beauty at the bar in college, I’d probably go straight to the weather app on my phone and scroll around nervously. Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same thing in front of a goddess.

I bet a lot of people would pay good money to spend a day on the beach with Carli. I know I would, so there’s at least one. Sometimes, I wonder to myself why I chose to go to college in the Midwest. While I’d probably never get any work done, college anywhere in Florida just seems like paradise.

I’ve always been a huge fan of music festival outfits. No one knows exactly what they’re wearing, but they do know that whatever it is – it’s super hot. Not sure what music festival this was, but I think it’s safe to say that Carli killed it. 

If you’re interested in seeing more of Carli or our TFM Girls, check out the Instagram accounts below:

@carli_lyn @tfmgirls