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Dua Lipa Sports Smoking Hot Bikini During Yoga Session

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone better at yoga than Dua Lipa. I mean, wow. She really is flawless. Not only does she have perfect headstand form, but she’s also diced like a professional gymnast. I wasn’t a huge fan of Barbie, however, her cameo as mermaid Barbie was pretty enjoyable. Personally, I think she should have been cast as Ariel in the new Little Mermaid movie, but what do I know? She’s just a smoking hot singer/model/actress – nothing too crazy. 

Although this clip is prime thirst content, the real beauty here is that grass. I’ve never seen such a well-kept lawn. That grass looks to be a thousand times better than the grass at Soldier Field. Sure, Dua Lipa’s backyard probably isn’t as big as an entire football field, but I think the Bears deserve a little better.

Back to the topic at hand – I think Dua Lipa would make my short list of potential OnlyFans that I would be willing to pay for. I honestly think it’s just her, Margot Robbie, and Hailee Steinfeld. Now, I know that none of those beautiful women are going to start an OnlyFans, but a man can dream. There are probably more famous celebrities that I’d be willing to actually dish out cash for, but I also am comfortable enough with Reddit to find leaks. 

I don’t even listen to her music, but I would love to see Dua Lipa in concert. I’ve heard she’s quite the performer. Also, if there’s even the smallest of chances that I could get called up to the stage for a lap dance, I’m in. My life would peak at that moment. After the concert would end, my life would quite literally have no purpose. A Dua Lipa lap dance would provide such a boost in my dopamine levels that I’d probably never be happy again.

Written by the godfather

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