
Paulina Porizkova Thinks Men Do Not Want To See Older Women Naked. She Is Way Wrong.

Paulina Porizkova — a 56-year-old former super model, who is still objectively very attractive — is posting some pretty spicy content on the Gram, but she is posting it with a question that we need to tackle here:

Are men so shitty that we only want to see hot young women getting naked, or are we good with hot women getting naked in general?

First, let’s go to the tape:

She put it out there, if you want to see more, go on.

At first glance, she still has it going in a big way. I hope at 56 that I am still landing it like that.

Miss Porizkova, our readership is primarily 17-34… they all are good with your content.

But, let’s get into her words:

“Is only important insofar as to highlight the still common belief THAT WOMEN ARE ESSENTIALLY CHATTEL. That once we have stopped breeding, we should be retired to provide nourishment for others.

I’m 56, and living my best life. After a lifetime spent taking care of others, I finally get to do ME. Sure, I can also knit and bake and bask in the warm glow of my family on the rare occasion they need me, but I can also bask in the glow of a tropical sun, a lover’s arms, and here the fabulous light of @luigiandIango.

I post bikini and nude photos because I finally feel good in my skin.
I don’t do this for compliments or likes. (Although they are very nice indeed).
I’m doing it because you see thousands of images of younger women in the same situations.
That’s what you’re used to seeing.
No one tells them to put their clothes on.

By what standard is it ok to ogle a nude teen, but not a mature woman?

I have done the same sort of photos since I was fifteen. Back then, I couldn’t be proud of who I was because I didn’t yet know who I was. I did what others asked of me. I posed for others.

An older woman is allowed wisdom, humor, patience – but not sensuality. Not sexiness. This is a major societal taboo which is precisely why I post what I post. I may be 56, but I’m as fully a woman as I was thirty years ago, in fact, I’d argue: more so. I’m finally fully inhabiting this body of mine, I fully appreciate it, and I am fully celebrating it.
I may be posting for you.
But I pose for myself.”

First, you need to know that chattel means, property other than real estate. So, she comes off the top rope early… but then she goes on to other interesting points.

First, society [waves arounds around in the air] in general, does tend to celebrate hot young women and then ignores the ladies that still have it later in life.

I would like to offer into evidence that I previously wrote about needing to stop pretending Madonna is attractive, but within that same article, I listed out like 10 women who are older than Madonna that are still elite.

Second, she posts that youthful women are often just posting what they think is sexy but do not know themselves, or what they think is sexy. Interesting perspective. Something that should be given weight.

Last, she goes with the ‘post for you, pose for me’ line… which, I think, comes with age, wisdom, and confidence. That can be sexy in and of itself. So, good for her.

Now, here comes a little bit more of the truth.

We are overwhelmed with ‘body positive’ messages that want to force the lie that we have to think everyone is sexy and that obesity should be embraced and not treated like a health risk. We are also, somewhat, conditioned to certain standards of beauty. The fact remains that even at 56, Paulina Porizkova, is objectively attractive. Not a single person alive would look at her and be like… “she’s ugly, put your clothes back on” … they may say, “she isnt my type for X, Y, Z reason,” but NO ONE is arguing that she is unattractive. Nope, she is hot.

I think this debate is easily decided, as a man, I am good with anyone posting their pics… I’m going to choose which one’s I look at.

Paulina, you may be on the list. Lizzo, you are not.