A transgender bachorlette, where none of the contestants know. A bisexual, who is lying about her sexuality, and the painfully hilarious show about looks… Here are shows that should’ve never been on TV.

Tila tequila was a myspace famous (before instagram famous) personality. She was the star of “A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila.” It was a dating show where a bunch of guys come to try to win her over. Think the bachelor, but extremely trashy and everyone’s drunk. Tila Tequila is drunk screaming throughout every episode. Lots of slurring of words and sloppy makeout sessions. Then all these women come later in the evening. These women are lesbeins and believe that Tila is too. The men think Tila is completely straight. Then Tila reveals she is bisexual and the men and the women have to fight for her love. Years later, Tila revealed she isn’t even bisexual. It was “pay to gay” situation and that all the people on this show are “disgusting and degenerates.” She also had posted in a sexy nazi uniform (swastika and all), which she claims was a joke.

There’s Something About Miriam
I hear about this show from this podcast, Harsh Reality. By far the most twisted reality tv show all around. Think the bachelorette where a bunch of guys come to win one woman’s love. There is kissing, some handsy touching, but no privacy or hooking up. After weekly elimination, there are only two men left at the finale. At the finale, the winner is revealed and the past contestants are present. Then she reveals she is transgender. It’s silent. Then the boys laugh. It’s extremely uncomfortable and according to the podcast, she had to leave immediately for her own safety. In the end, the men sued the show and won.

“I’ll just say it, curvy girls make my junk tingle.” The most unhinged people sat in a van until they were told to come out and meet their potential date. The date at anytime can say “NEXT” and the contestant would head back to the van where the rest of the contestants were. The most insane moments are when a girl walks off the van and the man immediately yells “NEXT” before the contestant even opens her mouth. So crazy, so insane…. so entertaining.