Total Frat Move

Let College Kids Live

My freshman year was cut short in the middle of my spring break. I got back for sophomore year and spent a good 95% of my time in my apartment/suite whatever the fuck you want to call it, and in the second semester I felt slightly like I was back at the college I remember. Like the rest of you, I had friends and family miss out on proms and senior sports seasons, and I knew many people that couldn’t even go back to campus in the fall of 2020. COVID ruined a ton of shit, and it fucking sucked. 

I get COVID is going on still and it’s an issue. I get that people are still worried about it. Personally, I think we should be a lot more focused on the many people that are dealing with the mental health effects of COVID or everyone who is dealing with addiction as a result of using alcohol and drugs to cope with it. That’s fine, though. People are allowed to be concerned about COVID. But I have to say, I’ve had pretty much enough of the assholes of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, the news – fucking anyone – shitting on college kids for being college kids.

Last Saturday, I went to a darty. It was a block party that was sanctioned by the city, had permits, and everything else needed to make it legal. Sure, some of the activities going on there were not-so-legal, but underage drinking on a college campus isn’t exactly something new. I think the whole world is pretty much okay with a twenty-year-old having a beer or nine. And yes, there were probably way more people there than anyone thought would be, but you know what that means? That party was fucking awesome. I’d say north of a thousand people, but I honestly don’t know if that’s right. I was having a really good time, so the only thing I could fully comprehend was that there were a fuck ton of kids there. See for yourself:

It wasn’t “COVID cautious” or whatever you want to call it, but you know what it was? Fucking fun. It was probably one of the best times I’ve had at college, and easily the best time I’ve had since COVID, and there are people everywhere who are experiencing the same thing. We lost a year and a half of what is typically referred to as the best four years of our lives. Almost half of it. Almost fucking half. And some 37-old lady who wakes up each morning with a god damn tree trunk up her ass wants to say that we’re all dicks for finally having a good time? Fuck that. Drink your beer. Throw your parties. Make noise. Be in college. Fuck anyone who calls it irresponsible and unsafe. Two of the backbones of a good college experience are being irresponsible and unsafe. Have a good time, and don’t let the cockholes of the world tell you to do anything different.
