Total Frat Move

The Four Best Things About Living In Dorms

Traditionally, universities across the nation require students to live in dorms for at least their freshman year, but I must say these living situations definitely get a bad wrap. I guess I can’t speak for everyone, but gosh do I love sharing every waking moment in a four-by-eight-foot rectangle with another grown human being. So, without further ado, here are the four best things about living in dorms.

Doing Your Own Laundry

Although I miss my mother dearly while at school, I have to say I definitely don’t miss her doing my laundry. I’ve come to learn that there is something so rewarding in spending four hours on a particularly hungover Sunday waiting for the washing and drying cycles to finish. And then, I get to spend another hour folding them all? Couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time.

Communal Bathrooms 

If anyone could share with me a more effective bonding strategy than sharing five showers, two sinks, and four toilets with a floor of sixty other people, have at it. I thoroughly enjoy trying to guess who’s shampoo bottle was left in the shower or whose stray pubes were left on the toilet seat. Private bathrooms? I just don’t see the fun in that whatsoever.

Lofted Beds

I won’t lie, my queen-sized Tempurpedic mattress at home was alright, but the lofted twin-sized bed just takes my sleep to the next level. The six-foot drop off of either side really keeps me on my toes, ensuring that I remain in one super comfortable position for a solid four hours of REM sleep. Also, the chicks dig it.

Living on the Highest Floor

Despite the base floor having both the laundry and all the food options in my dorm, I would much rather take the scenic view out of the top floor, gazing out at all the beautiful and happy faces on campus. Freshman-fifteen? No chance. I get to hike up ten sets of stairs every time the elevator is down for maintenance (which happens to be the majority of the time). I can’t wait to move all of my stuff all the way back down come May, but I guess I get to focus on all the other great parts of my dorm in the meantime.