This is by far my favorite time of the year, it’s starting to get warm again, the lulu skirts and 5-inch inseam shorts are back out, but most importantly baseball is back. There is nothing more American than the sport of baseball, from the $1 hot dogs to the $2 PBRs, both teams lining up along both baselines for the National Anthem, nothing makes me happier than getting into my University’s baseball games for free, then going home and watching some pro ball.
I know that inevitably both my college and pro team will break my heart in the months to come but right now that doesn’t seem to matter, to me spring feels like hope. All that matters is that I can sit my lazy as% down, get hammered drunk, and watch a bunch of grown men hit a ball around.
This is the most majestic time of the year, baseball is truly the most relaxing sport to watch, and this time before the dog days of summer, and playoff push fall is truly special. Grab some buddies, get liquored up, and go watch America’s game in all its star-spangled glory, cheers boys.