Joe Biden fell again. This time, he took quite the spill at the Air Force commencement ceremony on Thursday. The White House put out a statement saying that he is fine. He walked back to his seat by himself after two Secret Service agents helped him get up. He pointed to a sandbag on the ground that he supposedly tripped on. I have seen enough White House television to fall for a trick this simple. I believe one a Secret Service agent is designated to put an obstacle on the ground anytime he falls to protect the President’s image.
Seeing Biden trip is scarier than almost any President because we all see him as sixty percent old man, and forty percent the leader of our country. You get nervous when your grandparent goes down because they are so frail that something bad can happen. It’s probably not good that we feel the need to bubble wrap the allegedly most powerful man in our nation. Unfortunately, that’d probably be best. Especially if we are going to make him miss his bridge game to watch all of the young people in gowns.
This is one of those things that is hard for me to not laugh about. Every President makes someone angry with their policies. What Biden is the first person to do, is make everyone doubt his ability to live through the end of any of his speeches. My editor just informed me that one President actually died a month into his only term as President. But I still think Biden is the biggest health scare to ever work out of the Oval Office. At this point, I hope he swallows his pride and gets around with a walker or something. I don’t know if I have another pity laugh in me if Joe Biden falls again.