A man named Mark Anthony Gonzales, also known as the ‘Lake Tahoe Foot Fondler,’ has been arrested in Atwater, California, after allegedly breaking into a luxury resort in Nevada on two separate occasions. The incidents occurred during the July 4th holiday weekend when he entered two resort condominiums through unlocked screen doors. While the victims slept, Gonzales reportedly cradled and fondled their feet. Both women woke up and confronted him, causing him to flee the scene.
Gonzales was later identified through forensic techniques and has been charged with two counts of burglary and two counts of battery. He will be held in the Merced County Jail with a $50,000 bail until he is extradited back to Douglas County, Nevada.
Aside from these incidents, Gonzales is also suspected of trespassing and stealing women’s shoes in California, sometimes engaging in sexual self-gratification during these acts. Investigators believe his crimes have been escalating in nature. Despite law enforcement’s increased presence for the holiday weekend, Gonzales managed to avoid capture for several weeks.
I didn’t get the memo, but I guess men can’t have hobbies anymore. Am I condoning breaking and entering? No, but I gotta cut the guy some slack because he took it upon himself to get a felony just to touch some feet. That is D1 level weird and I gotta respect it. Yeah, I would way rather be a D1 football player but banners hang forever and I’m gonna be thinking about this guy for a long time.