“I don’t support their politics, I just like their tweets”, says a Twitter rep about the Taliban.
Twitter has decided to allow the Taliban to keep their accounts on their platform. The “terrorist” group who have allegedly “murdered thousands of innocent people” has been kicked off of other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Twitter, the social media for asshole and cyberbullies, such as Chrissy Teigen, sees no problem with the group’s tweets.
In a statement made earlier today, a rep from Twitter said “The Taliban posted an infographic about racism. So basically, it doesn’t matter what they do in real life.” Under 2021 standards they are considered good people.” When asked why the Taliban gets preference over President Trump, who was kicked off the platform late last year, the rep continued “Everyone hated Trump so we did that for clout.” Later he stated, “We’re afraid of calling out someone who isn’t white.”
Twitter continues to be the number one platform for angry people whose dreams didn’t come true. The girl from your sorority who bullied you, but now cancels people to try to feel better about herself, talked to us about the issue. “It’s not about the thousands of people they’ve killed, it’s about what they use their social platform for. For example, I tweet about inclusion even though I don’t know one black person. I may have bullied underclassmen until they contemplated suicide, but I have Black Lives Matter in my bio, so it’s okay.”
Twitter released a statement saying the Taliban must obey Twitter’s guidelines. Those guidelines include virtue signaling, dragging your kindergarten teacher who voted for Trump and canceling people who aren’t famous just to destroy their mental health.
Instagram and Facebook have been very open about banning the Taliban from their platforms. For the first time, Americans are thinking, maybe Mark Zuckerberg isn’t that bad after all.
“I don’t support their politics, I just like their tweets”, says a Twitter rep about the Taliban.