Here we are again, on the come down of a weekend bender. Even after your 167th announcement that you’re NevEr dRinKiNg AgAiN, you still haven’t learned your lesson. Onto of that, you have a crippling hangover and you don’t know how to ease the pain. Well…I have the list, the end all / save all list, of how to crush a hangover. This is only the beginning of it.
You’re welcome in advance.
Sunday Scaries

Just want to sleep the pain away? Big Spoon will be your best friend. Big Spoon is a groovy sleep formula, powered by the highest quality broad spectrum CBD & CBN to help you hit the hay without getting totally zonked. After one dose, you’ll be sleeping like a little spoon again and you’ll wake up feeling fab.

I’ve tried this one a few times, not sure if it’s a placebo effect or what but it often works.
Keep Drinking

Fuck it, if you can get yourself to have just one drink when you’re hungover you’ll eventually find yourself feeling good again…or is this just alcoholism?
Fountain Soda

Fountain soda hits entirely different when you’re on your death bed. Especially a McDonald’s Sprite, there’s just something about it man…