Total Frat Move

7 Best College Comedy Movies

7. Van Wilder

Ryan Reynolds is the most popular guy on campus, and he ends up trying to win over a journalist played by Tara Reid (before she stopped being hot). He’s afraid to graduate because he loves his college life, and she won’t go near him because he’s immature. Stupid? Yes. Awesome? See previous answer. 

6. Back to School

This one is an oldie, but it’s Rodney Dangerfield being awesome. He goes back to college with his son, and he ends up becoming the man around school. You’ll get to see a young RDJ rocking a crazy emo look, which is kind of a weird added bonus, I guess.

5. Neighbors

I loved NeighborsNeighbors 2 fucking suckkkkkked. Back to Neighbors, though. Seth Rogen and Zac Efron create many good laughs, and there are some great shots of very attractive girls. I’m assuming that you’re all somewhat familiar with that one, so let’s move on.

4. 22 Jump Street

It’s very rare that I see a stupid comedy movie and the sequel is on the same tier. 22 Jump Street is one of the exceptions. Every time I watch it, I briefly think that Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are somehow the best pairing of actors of all time. They’re not. They are really funny, though.

3. Accepted

Another Jonah Hill movie. He and Justin Long create a fake college after Justin Long doesn’t get in anywhere. It’s one of the stupider movies I’ve ever seen, but it is undoubtedly hilarious. I can probably guarantee that you’ve seen the “Ask me about my wiener!” GIF at some point, and that greatness was born from Accepted.

2. Old School

Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, and Vince Vaughn start a fraternity when Luke Wilson moves in on a college campus. All three are grown men in the movie. If you haven’t seen it, add it to the second spot on your list of movies to watch right after this next pick.

1. Animal House

Animal House is the heart of college movies. Everything that has come after in the genre owes Animal House for creating a movie genre about people who like to drink beer and horse around – people like you and me. Go watch it.