The troubled brother of the late football star, DJ Hernandez, has been arrested for the fourth time this year. This time, police were concerned about his alleged plans to carry out school shootings at the University of Connecticut and Brown University.
DJ Hernandez is the brother of Aaron Hernandez, a former New England Patriots player from Bristol, who was convicted of murder and later died by suicide while in prison. DJ Hernandez is currently in the custody of the Department of Correction, held on a $250,000 bond.

According to Eyewitness News 3 Bristol, an ex-girlfriend said that he had visited the campuses of UConn and Brown, to map them out for a potential school shooting. Disturbingly, he also made threatening statements. After police located him at a home, DJ Hernandez attempted to provoke a confrontation with the officers, yelling for them to shoot him. They managed to arrest him using a Taser and then took him to a hospital. Even at the hospital, he continued to make threats, including threats against anyone who profited from his late brother’s situation.
Thank God that the police were able to stop this before it got too late, but something is going on with that family. First Aaron and now DJ. I still can’t believe that Aaron Hernandez was an All-Pro Tight End with one of the best organizations in football, backing up the greatest TE of all time, and he was just doing side quests like he was a GTA character.
People forget that Aaron Hernandez was at the Univeristy of Florida during the end of their glory years and was mentored by the Pouncey brothers…