Total Frat Move

College Student Eats Expensive Artwork for His Breakfast

Yesterday in Seoul, South Korea, a college student ate a $120,000 dollar piece of artwork for breakfast. The art in question? A banana duct taped to a wall. According to reports, the kid was just hungry because he had forgotten to eat breakfast.

The idea of just deciding to grub on a piece of incredibly expensive art is an awesome thing to do. Sure, it’s a little bit of a jerk move, but from my understanding, all they really had to do was slap another banana on the wall (which they had been doing anyway due to the fact that bananas don’t stay yellow forever). So yeah, I’ve got no problems with this kid’s stunt. I actually respect the hell out of it. The real issue I have with all this is that a banana duct taped to a wall is worth $120,000. 

The artist behind the piece, Maurizio Catalan, sold the piece as a part of his “Comedian” piece back in Miami in 2019. The best part of the story comes with the fact that it’s not even the first time this has happened. David Datuna, a performance artist, pulled the same stunt during the debut of the piece’s exhibition.

In addition to the banana, Catalan is also famous for his work of creating a solid gold toilet that functions, which was offered to the White House for a loan and somehow proved Austin Powers wrong.