Total Frat Move

Dennis Rodman Just Got A Face Tattoo

At what age does getting a face tattoo become inappropriate? According to Dennis Rodman, never.

The Hall of Fame center and 5x NBA champion showed off some new ink today and it just so happens it’s on his right cheek. As seen in an Instagram post from the tattoo artist, Rodman now sports a tattoo on his face depicting his girlfriend.

Certainly, the artist did a great job. That said, who in the hell is getting a face tattoo at 62 years old? Only someone as crazy as Dennis Rodman.

Generally, I think anyone who gets a tattoo on their face is absolutely insane and should probably be thrown in some sort of padded room. However, doing so at 62 is somehow even more wild.

Rodman has famously dated celebrities such as Madonna and Carmen Electra, yet settled for a face tat of some woman the world has never seen before. I don’t get it. I literally scoured the internet looking for this woman’s name and I swear no one has any idea. Seems kinda like a pretty simp move if you ask me. Rodman is one of the greatest basketball players of all time and yet he is the one putting a no name on his body forever. Explain that one to me, please. How come his face isn’t on her body?

We all knew that Rodman was crazy. He has wild hairstyles and face piercings, once left the Bulls organization for a weekend to party in Vegas, and is best friends with one of the most evil dictators in the world. So, I guess technically this is a somewhat sane decision for the rebounding king. 

I guess Dennis Rodman will never cease to surprise us. One time he wore a wedding dress and claimed to have married himself. Now he is permanently putting the face of a random woman on his own. He truly is one-of-a-kind.