Domingo German peaked yesterday. The Yankees pitcher threw the twenty fourth perfect game in MLB history. In a ninety-nine pitch performance, German dealt with all twenty seven batters he faced on the way to an 11-0 win over the Athletics. The craziest part of this is the fact that Domingo German is not a very good pitcher. Before last night, his skills of pitching in the MLB were comparable to mine having sex. We both do it sometimes, rarely good.
The biggest issue for Domingo German is the fact that he thrives when not serving as the internet’s main topic of discussion. In case you unaware of German’s past like myself, he was suspended for domestic violence after an incident of him hitting his wife at a gala hosted by former Yankee, CC Sabathia. Apparently when a domestic abuser accomplishes something significant, the internet has a field day with it.
The thing that gave me my final serving of the internet last night was the following social media interaction, between a fan and German:

A full night’s sleep later, that back and forth still baffles me. This guy is an actual moron for not only responding to that comment, but agreeing with it. Clearly, he is aware of the public’s thoughts on him regarding his actions. Maybe he should’ve decided this during his twenty seventh batter last night. When was the last time anyone heard from Ray Rice? Exactly, because he is living his life in hiding of the embarrassment of being a bad person. Maybe German should’ve considered an intentional walk to keep his name out of the history books.
I know Domingo German is a scumbag. The baseball fan in me physically can’t stop typing until I’ve addressed how unbelievable this is from a baseball perspective. I saw someone on Twitter compare it to PJ Tucker scoring seventy points, and think they hit the nail right on the head. This shows how great sports is, despite the horrible trend of athletes taking their anger out on the wrong people.