Total Frat Move

Dyson is Selling Air Purifying Headphones

Whether it’s your aunt who won’t shut up about her new vacuum that picks up every spec of dirt or your girlfriend talking about how she needs their newest hair drier, we have all come face to face with the overpriced vacuum company known as Dyson. For a company that started out making vacuums, they have had quite the evolution in their product line over the past couple of years. They do everything from lighting to haircare, but they’re not stopping there. Dyson’s latest technology is headphones that purify the air you breathe. They also make you look like a sexually confused millennial version of Bane from Batman.

I‘m not quite sure what executive at Dyson thought this was the revolutionary idea we needed, but it seems like there just relying on the fact that people will buy anything if there is enough hype around it.  Most likely, this was just an idea they came up with during covid and took too long to get to market, but maybe I’m wrong and there are people out there who are looking for more than just high-quality sound from their headphones. I just can’t bridge the connection between air purifiers and headphones.

Other than influencers who have obviously been sponsored by Dyson, the reviews have been pretty below average for a product that cost nearly a thousand dollars. People have also been voicing their concerns on Twitter that the headphones are a “snot-cannon” that takes in your germs and disperses them out the sides of the headphones. As somebody who believes in the power of building your immune system, this take is beyond soft. However, there is something to be said about the amount of air that gets in around the filter. With no seal on the mouthpiece, what is stopping you from breathing air that isn’t filtered? I just don’t see the point of dropping a grand on air-purifying headphones if you’re still going to smell the stank of the NYC subway every day on the way to work.

If you are buying these you are either trying to flex that you have a thousand dollars to spend on bullshit or you’re trying to make a youtube video about how insane this concept is. Either way, anyone who feels the need for their headphones to purify the air they breathe deserves to get ripped off. Being that these headphones are nearly double the price of AirPods Max, I just don’t see consumers paying up for the added feature of purified air. I give a lot of credit to Dyson for trying new things and advancing technology but I see this turning into a real crash and burn.