When you’re in college, there’s never truly a “bad” time to drink. However, there’s no denying that some days are simply better than others. With that being said, here is every day of the week ranked solely on “drinkability” (the quality of being drinkable).
7. Tuesday
Tuesday is just an overall poor day of the week, especially when it comes to drinking. Sure, a “Tequila Tuesday” might pique my interest every now and again, but waking up on a Wednesday with no wallet or recollection of the night prior isn’t my favorite way to celebrate the middle of the week. If you consistently drink on Tuesdays, you’re an alcoholic. There’s no denying that, buddy.
6. Monday
Monday is notoriously known for being the worst day of the week, but there is definitely some validity in going to the bars on a Monday night. If you attend a hardcore party school, Mondays are a consistent drinking day for you. Although they might be super enjoyable in the moment, the hangover on Tuesday morning during your 8:00 am is definitely not. However, you’ll willingly sacrifice your health for one-dollar pitchers every single week, no matter how many times you try to talk yourself out of it.
5. Wednesday
If you’re just a downright degenerate, Wednesday will mark the start of your weekend. Maybe you’ll enjoy a nice bottle of wine while watching your favorite television show – or blackout while doing the century challenge. Either way, no one can get too upset with you since you only have one class at noon on Thursdays.
4. Sunday
A lot of people take Sunday to reset and relax before the start of the school week. I typically fall into that boat, but you better believe that I will be getting absolutely buckled on the first Sunday of the NFL season (and probably every Sunday after that for seventeen straight weeks). Football justifies drinking on Sunday, so enjoy responsibly. Or irresponsibly, no one really cares.
3. Saturday
This might seem like a hot take, but just hear me out. If you drink at least three out of the five days during the school week, you might get a little exhausted by the time you get to Saturday night. I think some people underestimate how difficult it can be at times to rally for a triple crown every week. While Saturdays can be the best drinking day of the week, they can also leave you cripplingly hungover from the previous two nights of blacking out.
2. Thursday
Thursdays in college are awesome. Nobody really cares about their Friday classes – even the professors – so the weekend basically starts here. While you might have to wake up earlier than you’d like for class, as soon as you’re done you can go right back to sleep. Or just start drinking on the best day of the week.
1. Friday
Friday was always a lock for the number one drinking day of the week. With likely nowhere to be on Saturday morning, you can drink as much alcohol as you’d like with little to no consequences. Heck, you could even get arrested on Friday night and be released back into the real world by Sunday morning. While you don’t have to worry about missing classes, you might still have to worry about missing thirteen calls from your mother after you mistakenly texted your younger brother, “Somebody messed up by giving me car keys”.