Total Frat Move

Farewell to NBA Legend Carmelo Anthony

Earlier this morning, NBA fan-favorite Carmelo Anthony announced his retirement after an outstanding nineteen years in the league. Ninth on the all-time NBA scoring list, it goes without saying that Melo was a bucket. While the younger generation of NBA fans might remember Melo most for his appearances on Shaqtin’ a Fool, his resume will undoubtedly land him in the NBA Hall of Fame.

Since Carmelo Anthony spent his long NBA career on multiple teams, his time in the league can easily be split up into different “eras”. In honor of his retirement, I figured that a ranking of his top three eras was in order. My list might spark some controversy but just know that this is the correct ranking. 

3. Nuggets Melo

For most of Melo’s time with the Denver Nuggets, I wasn’t even a conscious human being yet. I wish my dad would’ve steered me away from toy trucks and toward the TV because Nuggets Melo was so tough. During his eight years in Denver, Melo took the nickname “Mile High City” to a whole nother level, ferociously dunking on anyone that got in his way. One could argue that Melo played his best years with the Nuggets, but the next two Melo eras are equally as astounding. 

2. Knicks Melo

I don’t care if Melo didn’t go far in the playoffs with the Knicks. The number of times that Carmelo Anthony ended up on Shaqtin’ a Fool during his time in New York single-handedly makes up for all that disappointment. That one airball alone should secure his spot in the Hall of Fame (you know which one I’m talking about). Knicks Melo has provided me with immeasurable happiness, and for that, he has earned the number two spot. 

1. Hoodie Melo

Hoodie Melo at number one is indisputable. Some people might fear heights or spiders, but I only fear Carmelo Anthony with a hood on. I’m not exactly sure why Melo turns into prime Michael Jordan when wearing a hoodie, but that’s how it is. As we say goodbye to a legend, let’s not dwell on the early playoff exits or poor defense, rather let’s enjoy Carmelo at his best: