Total Frat Move

Fight Video Friday: A High School Brawl Masterclass

No matter where you went to high school, there probably was a fair share of hallway scuffles and bathroom beatdowns, but rarely are they that exciting to watch. Most of the time, high school fights involve a combination of slapping and hair-pulling, but once in a blue moon, you’ll end up with a masterclass that’s more enjoyable than most UFC main events. This video right here is a prime example of such:

Right off the bat, you can tell that the dude in the red pants is a downright thug. Bro is squaring up with Crocs on and they aren’t even in sport mode? Scary stuff. To be fair, however, his opponent is literally a toothpick in a Nike tracksuit. After dodging a pathetic leg kick attempt, red pants immediately follows up with a stunner of a right cross, immediately causing Toothpick to stumble. Usually in these high school matchups, you’ll see a lot of uncoordinated wrestling, but Red Pants keeps his distance like a pro and fires away with sharp accuracy. Toothpick gets tagged almost ten times before the cops finally arrive at the scene, but at that point, Red Pants had already finished the job. 

This wasn’t anywhere close to a heavy-hitting grown-man type of fight, but I still found it incredibly exciting. Hopefully, Red Pants doesn’t get in too much trouble for this smackdown because I think he’s got a real future in the fight game. Due to his precision and ice-cold knockout, I’m giving this masterclass by the dude in the red pants an 8.8/10. I’ll be looking out for this top prospect in the future as he continues to retire more and more curly hair white boys from the fight game.