Total Frat Move

Flavor Flav: Crack Addict Turned Swiftie

What do you think of when you hear the word Swiftie? I imagine like me you think of a screaming 13-year-old girl with pigtails and braces who dreams of being a popstar one day. Well, it turns out that just about anyone can be a Swiftie, even a has-been 64-year-old rapper and crack addict who wears a giant clock around his neck. That’s right, Flavor Flav is officially a Swiftie.

This past weekend, Mr. Flav attended the world-renowned Era’s Tour in Detroit and appeared to have the absolute best time of his life.

Flav apparently had so much fun at the concert that he is going again and has even started to hire teenage girls to help him prepare for the next show. After the concert, Flav took to Twitter to recruit help in making a bunch of friendship bracelets for the next tour date.

It seems that the old rapper made so many new friends at the show that he is enlisting the help of the Swiftie community to come better prepared for his next appearance. Flav’s tweet got so many replies that he said he has hired over 200 bracelet makers just to go to one more show.

While some may think it’s a tad strange for a 64-year-old man to be hiring teenage girls over Insta DMs to make him beaded jewelry, I personally think it’s a great turn of events from what he was previously doing. That being, crack cocaine.

Earlier this year in an interview with DJ Akademiks on the Off the Record Podcast, Flav revealed that for over six years he would spend approximately $2600 each day on crack. That is about $950,000 every year on the “cheap type” of cocaine.

Imagine swapping out one of the most addictive drugs on the planet for country break up songs. That is bizarre in its own right. Yet, to then go a step further and begin to hire hundreds of girls just to make bracelets is somehow even more mind boggling. I mean Flav says he quit drugs, but something makes me think he’s got to be lying. This dude needs to be off something.

Anyway, whether Flav is coked up, strung out, or legitimately clean I think we can all be happy for his excitement towards joining the largest cult in America and immediately giving back to it.