Total Frat Move

Hank Green Shares Cancer Diagnosis

Most people born after the year 2000 owe Hank Green for passing high school chemistry. The YouTube savior and brother, John Green (author of The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns), have split high school academics down the middle, with Hank covering science and math and John covering history and literature on their YouTube Channel, CrashCourse.

In a thirteen-minute YouTube video on the brothers’ “vlogbrothers” channel, forty-three-year-old Hank Green shared that he has been diagnosed with cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. “Prognosis is very good for people with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It seems likely that we caught mine early,” said Hank in the video.

Green also took to Twitter to update fans on his symptoms as well as take a shot at Twitter’s new head honcho, Elon Musk:

Green emphasized that Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is one of the most treatable cancer diagnoses, and catching it early means that he is in good shape to beat it, which is great news.

We wish the best of luck to Hank Green on his recovery, as there are no doubt going to be readers out there that desperately need covalent bonds explained to them for midterms and finals they really aren’t prepared for.