Okay, sorry to click bait you guys. This isn’t real, but it could be. MTV HEAR ME OUT…
Traditional celebrities almost seem humble when compared to the newly entitled “influencers” of our generation.
I understand that we have shifted our attention more and more away from classic Hollywood celebrities, and have become fully obsessed with the idea of internet celebrities. Solely based off of their following, we have given so many people a platform to the point where it’s hard to even keep up with who’s who.
More often than not, people with even 100k+ followers walk around like their shit could never and has never stank a day in their lives. Even if they don’t deserve this “clout” that we give them, they feel as if the world owes them everything.
So, if you thought a regular celebrity focused PUNK’D was good entertainment, just imagine one for influencers. The prank wouldn’t even need to be that involved, any minor inconvenience will set these clout chasers off.
For example, let me set the scene for the first episode:
PUNK’D VICTIM 1: Tana Mongeau

The PUNK’D crew set up at Saddle Ranch in LA and have one person undercover as a waitress.
Tana Mongeau and her motley crew all pile in at a table, per usual.
The undercover waitress and the owner will be instructed to pretend they have no idea who Miss Mongoose and her friends are.
As expected, Tana and her little pals all order bottles of 1942. Little do they know, they are being brought out 1942 bottles filled with watered down well Tequila, see if they notice.
Then at the end of the night, the waitress simply brings them a check.
The group will then LOSE THEIR MINDS, for they have never not a once paid for service in this establishment.
Tana will instruct her manager to dispute the bill with the owner, the owner will pretend they have no idea who she is and insist the bill gets paid.
They will in fact, all lose their shit.
Which is when the cameras will come out.

PUNK’D VICTIM 2: David Dobrik

In order to Punk the Punker, they’ll need to get the whole “Vlog Squad” in on it.
Once it’s established that everyone is involved, each member of the squad will start to call David one by one and tell him that the car that David gifted them is getting repo’ed. Obviously PUNK’D will have to hire this legend for the role:
After about 4-5 FaceTime calls, his pal he gifted a home to will give him one last call telling him that he got a letter that states the home David bought him has been taken by the bank.
That’s when the PUNK’D team will come in with FBI actors who will approach Mr. Dobrik’s home and flash him a paper that says he’s been charged with tax evasion.
They will then start taking things out of his home and questioning him.
The PUNK’D camera crew will not come out until they see Dobrik shed a tear.

PUNK’D VICTIM 3: Jake Paul
This one is timely, so MTV please call me ASAP so we can get started.
Following Jake Paul’s “I gotcha hat” incident with Floyd Mayweather:
The PUNK’D team will hire Mayweather and his crew to literally kidnap Jake Paul. (Mayweather will have to agree to not actual beat the shit out of him)
They then take a blindfolded Jake Paul to an abandoned warehouse where he will be met face to face with both Mayweather and Conor Mcgregor.
The two will go on a tangent on how they hate each other but they hate Jake Paul even more, so they teamed up to teach him a lesson. You know, some evil villain type shit.
They’ll then proceed to shut the lights off. When the lights come back on, a projector will play “It’s Every Day Bro” as loud as possible on a loop. While Mayweather and McGregor toss Jake Paul’s merch back and forth saying “I GOTCHYA HAT”
Jake Paul must say he’s sorry and that it was all for clout in order for this to stop.

And of course there can be a crossover episode between Dateline: How to Catch a Predator and PUNK’D where they set up a much needed sting operation against sister James Charles.

For now, these are just mock up ideas…but in all seriousness, if anyone from MTV would like to team up I think we have a huge hit on our hands. Having an influencer roommate myself, I’ve seen first hand from her encounters with other influencers just how entitled and self obsessed these people can be. It would make for Grade A entertainment to Punk these punks, but MTV…I need your help.
Here’s my contact information so we can further discuss this money maker:
Grace O’Malley