In Russia, you get threatened with a knife at an armed robbery; you don’t panic, you don’t call the police, nope, you grab whatever weapon is near you and beat the shit out of them with. For this woman, it was a dildo that was the closest weapon. Who would want to be smacked in the face with a foot-long double dildo? That thing is so big that it has the addition of a whipping attack.
This guy couldn’t have picked the worst spot to rob; think of all the pleasure toys than be changed into a weapon. There are whips, anal beads, double dildos, penis extenders, hell, you could even choke somebody out with a pair of lingerie. You could turn into Jackie Chan and pull off some Kung foo shit while swinging on a sex swing. The only worst place to rob would be a sporting goods store. Whenever shit hits the fans in zombie or action movies, characters always arm themselves with baseball bats, bows, and whatever else they find at a sporting goods store.
The large sex toy is designed to be used by two women or by somebody that wants to use it solo.
Daily Mail
This is my favorite line from the Daily Mail article. There’s no way my little fella can be enough for a woman who uses a double dildo by herself. So for all of the wanna-be Jesse James, maybe pick somewhere else to rob.